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 Командная строка в Daphne 
Автор Сообщение
Сообщение 24 авг 2012, 14:21

07 мар 2010, 13:06
Сообщения: 17
никак не набирается во встроенной строке- пишет ошибку -плохая командная строка. Кто знает как набрать? нужен код.
даже в примере как писать строку тоже ошибку выдает

Сообщение 27 авг 2012, 06:41
Аватара пользователя

24 июл 2007, 06:54
Сообщения: 492
Откуда: Embedded
Если в пути имеются пробелы (используется LFN), то всю строку надо заключать в кавычки.

Tried so hard and got so far, but in the end, it doesn't even matter...

 25 дек 2014, 19:47

25 дек 2014, 19:19
Сообщения: 1
=Daphne Emulator Commandline Loader =

Daphne FINALLY Made Easy

I made this for myself than I thought well why not share it.

Daphne Commandline Loader alternative is Extreamly easy to use.

All 18 laser disk games works with this loader.

Note:This guide is for unencrypted laser disk games only.



2)Unzip and put folder in C drive(C:Daphne).

Daphne Commandline Loader 2.jpg
Daphne Commandline Loader 2.jpg [ 65.9 КБ | Просмотров: 6840 ]

3)Open folder, find and create Daphne Commandline Loader
shortcut to desktop.

Daphne Commandline Loader 3.jpg
Daphne Commandline Loader 3.jpg [ 61.95 КБ | Просмотров: 6840 ]

4)I use Daphne for dummies Mpegs all 12 of them.

For Cliffhanger I use Cliff Hanger 2009 Restoration_640x480

I use Dragon's Lair unencrypted

I use Dragon's Lair 2 unencrypted

I use Space Ace unencrypted

I use Thayler's Quest unencrypted

5)Emty all contents of those folders(17 games) in the framefile folder. Starblazer=Galaxy Ranger

Daphne Commandline Loader 5.jpg
Daphne Commandline Loader 5.jpg [ 101.75 КБ | Просмотров: 6840 ]

6)Double click desktop shortcut,type a number,press enter,
and play.

If you start a laser disk game for the 1st time ,the emulator
will parse the video files while it creates a dat file.This will only happen once per title. Press any key to continue .

Have fun now.


a)Two of the of the many commandline options I use.


Tells Daphne to start with no sound until input has been received.

-idleexit Set to 5 minutes

Tells Daphne to exit after a certain number of seconds if no input

has been received.

b)No more auto-update nag screen.

c)No update needed.

e)Daphne Commandline Loader is not a Bittorrent client.

f)Daphne Commandline Loader does not report back.

g)Daphne Commandline Loader has a very very small exe.

h) I use DAPHNE emulator version 1.0.12

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