using part of recently dumped prototype HOTD2 bios we was able to bypass Naomi bios checksumm protection! that means region-free or any other customization is possible now. also confirmed working on Sega System SP (AKA Aurora), Dreamcast on the way. thanks to all who helped in testing on real hardware.
shortly: new system was reverse engineered and emulated - 'Sega System SP' codenamed 'Spider', in some sources (IMO mistakenly) called as "Sega Aurora". probably last custom, not PC based, hardware developed by Sega.
side note: was developed dumping software which writes ROM board content to Compact Flash card, contact us if you have any undumped PCBs on this platform and you wish to dump its content.
Some screens of games dumped and emulated:
Tetris Giant / Tetris Dekaris
sadly, other dumped games for this platform requires RFID chips content to work, which we are not (yet) able to dump, so no great pictures yet..
Dinosaur King - Operation: Dinosaur Rescue (USA, Export) (System SP) found and dumped by Hamster
this is second game in DinoKing series, it was followed by one more (unknown for me) part and later by 'D-Team VS. the Alpha Fortress' AKA 'Ver 2.500'. please let me know if you know something about that unknown game part, or any of Japanese releases of DinoKing and other trading card game series like Mushiking for Naomi or SP/Aurora platforms! its really hard to find something about such type games releases/versions in the net.
by many requests we decide to make public build of emulator to show and share current stage of its development. its an alpha/preview quality product so take it AS IS. it includes new features and new systems mentioned in this topic, many bugs fixed, as well as several unfinished parts, like new DX11NG render. enjoy.
more bugfixes: - better G2 DMA edge cases handling - brake in Atomiswave racing games works again - fix crash in ROM-based SystemSP games - weird AICA LSA/LEA handling tweaks
Wind have a few SH4 MMU fixes for you stay tuned...
but guys, are you going to run Dreamcast emulator, to play Shenmue game, to play 'Sega X Board' arcade hardware 'Afterburner II' emulator there, seriously ? go get MAME instead
- Crackin' DJ 1&2 playable - Ferrari F355 Deluxe have sound/music - fix Naomi 2 materials, lights refactor (gpuDX11ng) - foolproof VMU files creation - remember last path in gdrCHD, gdrImage, etc - better Xinput deadzone handling - fix GDI audio in gdrCHD (this plugin is recommended now for usage with GDI images too) - workarounds for newest ATI bugs in 15.7 drivers (gpuDX11) - SH4 MMU fixes & improvements, Shenmue's Afterburner II minigame playable - several minor tweaks
- Naomi2 shadows improvements (DX11NG) - Naomi2 screen scale (DX11NG) - DirectInput thread close fix AKA 'VMU window not closes' - VMU's windows auto open/close - exit by ALT+F4 - romset corrections to make some rom managers happy - more precise SH4 FSRRA opcode - several minor corrections
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