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 2 bug reports (Demul v0.7 alpha 310715) 
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Сообщение 15 сен 2015, 10:19

14 окт 2014, 01:22
Сообщения: 4
Привет народ! :good: (that's my best attempt at the Russian language, so don't hold it against me)

I have two bug reports:

1. The issue of the aspect-ratio NOT being 4:3 with Hikaru games like Star Wars Racer. Fullscreen is always widescreen, no matter the resolution (640x480, 1920x1080). The hotkey for switching widescreen to 4:3 (F6) doesn't work with Hikaru games.
Naomi, Dreamcast and Atomiswave games don't have this issue and are displayed in a perfect 4:3 ratio. The hotkey (F6) does work with them, so I can switch between widescreen and 4:3 on the fly.

2. Legacy of Kaïn: Soul Reaver graphics glitch:

As you can see the lifebar is glitched. It's also flashing ingame, so it's really distracting. This is glitched with gpuDX11 as well as gpuDX11ng!

Hope you can resolve these issues & thanks for the awesome emulator!

Сообщение 17 сен 2015, 21:20

07 фев 2009, 07:51
Сообщения: 244
1. its not a bugs actually, but a not implemented features.
each system emualtion have everything its own, so if lets say Hikaru doesn't have aspect correction or filter shaders or whatever - its because no one made it.

as for 2 - this bug is known for a long time, but no one have an idea how to fix or avoid it.

as for both - don't expect anything can be resolved in near future.

Сообщение 18 сен 2015, 12:46

14 окт 2014, 01:22
Сообщения: 4
_MetalliC_ писал(а):
1. its not a bugs actually, but a not implemented features.
each system emualtion have everything its own, so if lets say Hikaru doesn't have aspect correction or filter shaders or whatever - its because no one made it.

as for 2 - this bug is known for a long time, but no one have an idea how to fix or avoid it.

as for both - don't expect anything can be resolved in near future.

1. Ah okay, I thought it was a bug or an error with my drivers or something - because there are youtube videos posted of Hikaru games running @ 4:3 aspectratio. I guess that's just windowed mode thenm not fullscreen. Would be a great feature though! :) These games are designed to run in 4:3.

2. Too bad! Would be so great to have this bug ironed out. It's really distracting playing the game with a flashing bar onscreen. Still weird NullDC does it right, when NullDC does so much else wrong in that game - which Demul emulates perfectly (like transparancy effects).

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